Rebuttal to Special Counsel’s Report on Kevin Cooper Case Submitted to Governor Newsom

Contact: Mary Kate DeLucco

Sacramento, CA – Jun 21, 2023 – Rebuttal to Special Counsel’s Report on Kevin Cooper Case Submitted to Governor Newsom

Attorneys representing Kevin Cooper have recently submitted a detailed rebuttal to the Special Counsel’s report concerning Mr. Cooper’s capital murder conviction. This development follows the January 13, 2023, report by the Special Counsel, which was a response to California Governor Gavin Newsom’s May 2021 Executive Order.

In their comprehensive rebuttal report, Mr. Cooper’s legal team urges Governor Newsom to reject the findings of the Special Counsel. They argue that the report fails to adequately address critical issues and evidence in Mr. Cooper’s case. Consequently, the attorneys are requesting the appointment of a new special counsel to conduct an independent investigation into the innocence of Mr. Cooper.

Kevin Cooper, who has been on death row for decades, was convicted of a quadruple murder that occurred in 1983. His case has attracted widespread attention, with advocates and legal experts raising serious concerns about the evidence and fairness of his trial. The case has become a focal point in the broader discussion about the criminal justice system and the death penalty in the United States.

The request for a new special counsel, as outlined in the rebuttal report, underscores widespread belief in Mr. Cooper’s innocence and their commitment to ensuring a fair and thorough examination of the case. They argue that the Special Counsel’s investigation did not fully consider new evidence and failed to address the alleged mishandling of forensic evidence.

Governor Newsom, known for his stance against the death penalty, had previously ordered new DNA testing in the case, demonstrating a willingness to reevaluate Mr. Cooper’s conviction in light of new evidence and methodologies. The decision to appoint a new special counsel, as requested by Mr. Cooper’s attorneys, now rests with him.

This submission marks a significant step in the long-standing effort to reexamine the evidence and circumstances surrounding Kevin Cooper’s conviction. As the case continues to unfold, it remains a poignant example of the complexities and challenges faced in the pursuit of justice within the criminal justice system.

The Rebuttal:

2023-06-21 Orrick Rebuttal Memo to Special Counsel Report

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